During the beginning of the great pandemic, a fellow from Texas called me up wanting to offer Manna as a solution to offset the effects of that virus. We were going to partner up as he knew some people in pretty high places that he thought he could get on board. It wasn't long before he was totally shut down and told not to go there.
However, while we were still in contact, he told me this story. -- A friend of his had gone to Africa to look for gold and diamonds. He had been staying there a...
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Knee Replacement Report
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, March 11, 2024,
Nicole just called on the phone to tell me her husband had a knee replacement 3 weeks ago. He is at home, up and walking around with a cane. She was over joyed to tell me that all went well and he was free of any infections. : )
Ordering 4 more Manna Gold Sachet to make sure all continues going in the right direction.
Thank you Nicole for sharing your Manna story!
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J. You want another order so soon?
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, January 28, 2024,
Dear Thomas
A very good morning to you.
Hope all is well with you. You are right, it is for my brother. He has started taking it and I may get more as more people are seeing the result of it. I am a living prime example of this super food.
Therefore, would need it to be shipped sooner.
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Yearly Manna Maintenance Works
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, December 23, 2023,
For the record, I started this product when it first came out. It was called “Biological Miracle” at the time, then somewhere along the way the name changed to the Antidote. So what does that make, 20 years or more? Before I started this stuff I caught a cold very easily; I spent half my life with a cold. In the 20+ years I’ve been taking it, I can count on one hand the times I’ve a caught minor bug of some kind, and I’ve never been really sick with anything. It just works, and...
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Grateful Manna User
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, December 16, 2023,
I’m so grateful you are still going. I haven’t had the time to be able to get my normal regimen of sachets, but I’m back on track and I’m so grateful these exist.
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People Keep Coming Back For More.
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Wednesday, November 15, 2023,
Name: Billy
Email: BM***@gmail.com
Message: Just checking to see if y'all were still in business.
We tried the manna gold years ago with success.
Since Billy's email of October 18 2023, he has ordered for himself and a number of family members.
Thanks Billy! Glad you found us again!
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50% Chance to Live
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, November 10, 2023,
Recently my daughter contacted me about a man in Calgary who had kidney failure due to growths and shrinking tubes. He was given a 50% chance of survival of an operation. -- She sent him 2 Manna to be taken before and after surgery. -- His doctors estimated he would be 2 weeks in the hospital. -- He was sent home after one week as he was healing faster than expected.
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After Heart Surgery
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Thursday, February 23, 2023,
Caleb a friend of mine had a friend who went in for heart surgery. His friend was not doing well. -- I gave Caleb 2 Manna as he was going to visit him in the hospital. -- They had a chat and Caleb showed him how to make the Manna Tea. His friend used one that day and one a few days later. --- A few weeks later his doctor said he could not believe how quickly and well he was healing. --- One more encouraging report.
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About 20 years
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, November 22, 2022,
After requesting others to comment on what Manna has done for them, Steven wrote this to us today.
| Mon, Nov 21, 11:43 PM (12 hours ago)
| | |
thank you Thomas, i know it is a great product have been taking it for about 20 years. Love it! you should sell it on Amazon too!
----- Thank you Steven!
Thank you for your encouragement Steven. -- That may be possible one day Steven and would love to do so. --- Due to the effectiveness of Manna so far we have had to keep a low profile. People telli...
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Dave's Experience
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, November 19, 2022,
Recently Dave replied to my note confirming his order. In that note I wrote, "
I hope you find that Manna helps you as so many others have over the years."
His short reply was delightful to hear as not everyone shares their experiences. This is what Dave wrote!
| Nov 8, 2022, 8:47 PM (11 days ago)
| | |
I have never been disappointed! Thank You!
Dave's reply meant a lot to me and is an encouragement to see if we can make Manna available to everyone. Soon we hope that Manna will be mad...
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From Mike
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, August 12, 2022,
Hello, reaching out to let you know i had a sachet i saved for when i caught covid. I wish i took it as soon as I tested positive, but today was day 3. For last three days my oxygen was hovering around 95 and my heart rate was 95bpm but i know from my fitbit and wearing a holter about two months ago my resting heart is about 60, so i was very aware of the constant high heart rate. I had a fever of about 102, aching body, some chest and nasal congestion. I went to dr and was given an inhaler ... Continue reading ...
Please Share
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Thursday, December 9, 2021,
We realize health information is very personal. However, if you will share how Manna has helped you, others may be helped too. Only first names will be disclosed. Bless and be blessed!
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Almost a Miracle
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, June 1, 2021,
I felt I should share with you some information I received from a health practitioner not long ago. Her son is autistic and she has found Manna to be very helpful.
I use Manna for years, but never could clearly understand the mechanism of action. Usually we use a lot of therapies for autistic kids, I was more concentrated on the dietary intervention, supplement, different antimicrobial therapies, chelation. I know about the damage of immune system of autistic kids. I consulted hundreds of p...
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Posted by Thomas Hobson on Thursday, July 30, 2020,
From Janet:
Manna has brought me back to life. I had become weak and very tired. 2 days after taking Manna I was cleaning my boat while anchored in the middle of the 420 acre lake I live on. I have been taking Manna every 3 months since then, and I am living life to the fullest. Manna is a naturally made healer that works for all, including my dog. Thanks to Manna I feel like a younger, more vibrant lady, keeping up with life. Continue reading ...
Great Results!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, July 26, 2020,
| Wed, Jun 10, 7:07 PM
| | |
That’s great
I want to tell you that my cousin and his mother are
free from
COVID-19. Using the manna now they are

% fine.

Sent from my iPhone
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Help for smokers.
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, July 24, 2020,
Hello Thomas, it worked miracles for my lungs and heart. For years I had serious health issues with my lungs and breathing while sleeping from all the years of smoking. All of that went away in just a few days. I am also going to be ordering more this week.
Thank you for this miracle product.
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Long time user of Manna.
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, July 7, 2020,
Thank you so much for thinking of me- yes, I’ve been taking it for 15+ yrs, I buy if for me, my kids, grandkids, and always like to have it handy- I DO recommend it to many people every week- especially at this time- and will absolutely continue to order- thank you! D.
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Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, April 28, 2020,
A bar tender named Charlie from New York told me over the phone around 2013, that he had suffered from Lyme disease and was getting very tired. That would have been around about 2003. After hesitating to take it, and waiting about three months, he took the few drops in the bottle. He just had to use it. He felt he had nothing to loose. He was was so desperate, as his symptoms were getting worse, and he was tired all the time. He then told me, his health rapidly improved. His Mother, who was 8...
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Jim Giving Thanks! ~ Thanks Jim!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, March 29, 2020,
Just want to thank for what you do for us all. even the helpful hints in the letters you send with it. Xylitol for instance and ect.you have saved me twice now..let alone many other benefits.true affordable medicine!! how unreal in this world. with love and respect Jim Continue reading ...
Still Here!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, March 23, 2020,
Thank You , I did use Your product many years Ago And Did a search online and finally found your website again, So Happy that you are still Helping People!Thanks AgainJohn R. Continue reading ...
Happy Camper! ~ It works!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, February 29, 2020,
Nick E. <nicke@>Thomas,
I will be ordering the manna sachet. I've ordered it in the past and
taken it more than a dozen times and it's worked for everything.
I very much appreciate your timely emails.
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Thank You Franco!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, February 29, 2020,
Franco B. Wow thanks, I really would love some protocols and information i can follow to shield myself and family as much as possible!! WHEN real people speak, I pay attention! I actually am extremely grateful to you for all the good you do for the world and me.
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Peptides fight Virus!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, February 3, 2020,
OncoGen researchers propose a novel approach for producing epitope-based peptide vaccine candidates for the novel China coronavirus (nCoV).
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Does Manna Prevent Hair Loss?
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, January 5, 2020,
We received word from a Manna user, that a woman who had cancer and took Chemo in 2015, did not loose her hair, by using Manna before and after treatment. Should someone you know, taking Manna, experience a similar result, would you please share this news with us and any other encouraging results. Continue reading ...
Brewster 13 1/2 yr. old mastiff
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, July 21, 2017,
Update on my 131/2 yr. old mastiff that was diagnosed with stomach
cancer on March 7, 2017. Started double dosing him [ Brewster] the
following day with the manna that I had in reserve at home. The 3rd day
after giving him the manna, the coughing, gagging and vomiting stopped.
His progress has been AMAZING! Changed his diet to home cooked meals
using only fresh natural and organic meats, veggies and fruits, plus
distilled water for drinking. supplemented his diet with vitamins,
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Anna's Testimony
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, April 23, 2017,
Dear Mr. Thomas,
We got the results for the Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viral load counts:
Hepatitis B 207 000 copies/ml
Hepatitis C - not detected
however there was a large viral load of Hepatitis C the last time the
test was done. This means that the peptide worked? After all Kevin
Trudeau's book listed the crocodile protein peptide as a cure for
Hepatitis C and did not claim anything for B - however I cannot say how
grateful I am - and we have only used one sachet thus far! God bless y...
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Health Improvements
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, June 12, 2015,
Over the last few years many people have used Manna Gold Sachet. There are many testimonies about it's benefits. Today, I would like to mention Manna's long term effects.
A number of people who began using Manna as a last ditch effort to save their life, have regained health from HIV, liver cancer, severe upper respiratory conditions and severe viral infections, to mention a few. They continue to live a better quality of life and are still with us.
Recently we have had a number of referrals f...
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Manna & Chemo
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, December 6, 2014,
About two years ago Andy got some Manna for his Mother In Law. She was going to take Chemo and wanted to take Manna to help support her immune system. Only recently Andy told me, that she had taken both Manna and Chemo and felt it was time for more. When I asked how she did, taking Manna before Chemo, he told me that what surprised her most, was that she did not loose her hair.
If any Manna users experience the same benefit, this would be good to know. Please share so we can pass this informa...
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Dusty's Letter
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, November 4, 2013,
has been almost exactly one month since my buddy and I have used the
manna sachets, so I am well prepared to offer you our testimonies, which
you may share with prospective customers. As I mentioned earlier, the
first thing we noticed was an odd new natural energy about us. This
energy lasted well into the night and seemed to sustain itself far
beyond caffeine which I am a regular user of. The second thing we
mutually recognized was our satiety. We noticed that we really nev...
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Update robert bonaccolta
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, September 6, 2013,
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013
7:50 PM
To update the world on myself and my
Hi its robert bonaccolta
From 2010 to
present I still can taste foods much better than before SHACRO and my health.
...WOW never been sick for more than one day plus NO MORE SINUS
My father Louis is still a miracle alive
Robert Bonaccolta
No affiliated
relations to biological ...
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Relief From Numb Feet.
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, December 3, 2012,
Since I started taking Manna Gold The numbness in my feet has gone
away, I have a cancerous growth on my hand that has started to
dissapear. I gave 1 sachet to my Grandaughter, who has been suffering
with a cold and congestion since September. She has tried three
different rounds of antibotics. When she took the 1 sachet for three
days, her cold was gone. Just thought you would like to hear the
wonderful power of Manna Gold.
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Recovering Fast.
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, November 19, 2012,
Thomas, Good Afternoon!! I am interested in being an MMD with you, however I would need to now what is entailed in this process, rules, regs, etc.. I
guess I should tell you that when I first started taking MannaSachet
about a year ago I ran out of money and just recently started again.
When first starting the first thing I noticed was that after a couple of
months all my warts (I had hundreds) began to disappear and finally
they had all died off and fell off my skin. The planters war... Continue reading ...
Gall Bladder Cleanse.
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, October 13, 2012,
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:26 PM, E
Did the cleanse and tons of green pebbles came out. The cleanse really
does work. I am feeling good and healthy once again Mr.Hobson me and my
wife are going to a local shelter to barbeque for homeless people today. Every time I pass by it, it truly breaks my heart, I was talking to a
homeless man named rob, he went bankrupt and his wife divorced him, he
got on drugs and ruined his life. it got me thinking life is a real loop
Things may go well ...
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OOPS! ~ One Missing! ~ Cash back or Sachet?
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, August 21, 2012,
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your quick reply. If
you could, just send me the sachet. I have been using them for several
years and really believe they help keep me in good health so I like to
keep them on hand. Thanks again and have a great evening and week,
Charles B.
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Long time user of Manna ~ Happy Camper!
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, August 21, 2012,
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 3:46 PM
Subject: Update
Dr Shah and team
Hi its Robert Bonaccolta just updating everyone on my own health.
After 2
1/2 years+ now, since I took 8 satchets of Shacro , I'm very
healthy, not even ever had a cold, cough nor fever. I feel great and I
wish people even knew how important my own use was as I became, under no
other powers but my own, my own lab monkey testing myself.
If you only knew
how I felt worried about what this st...
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An Email from E about HIV
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, August 10, 2012,
Hello thomas my cd4 count came today, according to my doctor the average
human has a cd4 count of 800- 1000 my cd4 count after NOT taking my hiv
medicine for 6 months and after taking 4 x3 manna sachets is 756 this
is the highest its ever been I have never had a count this high before
taking the manna it was 483 the manna sachet WORKED! It might have not
worked on my wife the only thing different we did was I did a full body
cleanse before taking the manna, she did not. I sujest you tel...
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Recent Email From Wanda
Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, June 11, 2012,
Thomas I do have a few questions, which I hope you might be able to reply.
The story of how I knew about Manna Sachet – is from the original “Biological Miracles” website back in
2003-2004 – from when Elliot Borges (from Puerto Rico) was their not only distributor, but also a very
strong testimonial – to say the least… from the original days…
I work in technical sales – nothing related or close to nutritional products, but I know lots of people
and thru the years I have...
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