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About 20 years

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, November 22, 2022,
After requesting others to comment on what Manna has done for them, Steven wrote this to us today.


Mon, Nov 21, 11:43 PM (12 hours ago)
to me
thank you Thomas, i know it is a great product have been taking it for about 20 years. Love it! you should sell it on Amazon too!
----- Thank you Steven!

Thank you for your encouragement Steven.  --  That may be possible one day Steven and would love to do so. --- Due to the effectiveness of Manna so far we have had to keep a low profile. People telli...

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Dave's Experience

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, November 19, 2022,
Recently Dave replied to my note confirming his order. In that note I wrote, " I hope you find that Manna helps you as so many others have over the years."  

His short reply was delightful to hear as not everyone shares their experiences. This is what Dave wrote!  

Dave R

Nov 8, 2022, 8:47 PM (11 days ago)
to me
I have never been disappointed!  Thank You!

Dave's reply meant a lot to me and is an encouragement to see if we can make Manna available to everyone. Soon we hope that Manna will be mad...

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