Showing Tag: " fever" (Show all posts)

Please Share

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Thursday, December 9, 2021,
We realize health information is very personal. However, if you will share how Manna has helped you, others may be helped too. Only first names will be disclosed. Bless and be blessed! 
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Almost a Miracle

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, June 1, 2021,
 I felt I should share with you some information I received from a health practitioner not long ago. Her son is autistic and she has found Manna to be very helpful. 

I use Manna for years, but never could clearly understand the mechanism of action. Usually we use a lot of therapies for autistic kids, I was more concentrated on the dietary intervention, supplement, different antimicrobial therapies, chelation.  I know about the damage of immune system of autistic kids. I consulted hundreds of p...

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