Showing Tag: " manna " (Show all posts)

Please Share

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Thursday, December 9, 2021,
We realize health information is very personal. However, if you will share how Manna has helped you, others may be helped too. Only first names will be disclosed. Bless and be blessed! 
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Still Here!

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, March 23, 2020,
Thank You , I did use  Your product many years Ago And Did a search online and finally found your website again, So Happy that you are still Helping People!
Thanks Again
John R.

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Health Improvements

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, June 12, 2015,
Over the last few years many people have used Manna Gold Sachet. There are many testimonies about it's benefits. Today, I would like to mention Manna's long term effects.

A number of people who began using Manna as a last ditch effort to save their life, have regained health from HIV, liver cancer, severe upper respiratory conditions and severe viral infections, to mention a few. They continue to live a better quality of life and are still with us.

Recently we have had a number of referrals f...
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Gall Bladder Cleanse.

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, October 13, 2012,
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:26 PM, E wrote:
Did the cleanse and tons of green pebbles came out. The cleanse really does work. I am feeling good and healthy once again Mr.Hobson me and my wife are going to a local shelter to barbeque for homeless people today. Every time I pass by it, it truly breaks my heart, I was talking to a homeless man named rob, he went bankrupt and his wife divorced him, he got on drugs and ruined his life. it got me thinking life is a real loop Things may go well ...

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