Showing Tag: "manna" (Show all posts)

J. You want another order so soon?

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, January 28, 2024,
Dear Thomas
A very good morning to you. 
Hope all is well with you.  You are right,  it is for my brother. He has started taking it and I may get more as more people are seeing the result of it. I am a living prime example of this super food. 
Therefore, would need it to be shipped sooner. 

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Yearly Manna Maintenance Works

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, December 23, 2023,
For the record, I started this product when it first came out.  It was called “Biological Miracle” at the time, then somewhere along the way the name changed to the Antidote.  So what does that make, 20 years or more?  Before I started this stuff I caught a cold very easily; I spent half my life with a cold.  In the 20+ years I’ve been taking it, I can count on one hand the times I’ve a caught minor bug of some kind, and I’ve never been really sick with anything.  It just works, and...

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50% Chance to Live

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, November 10, 2023,
Recently my daughter contacted me about a man in Calgary who had kidney failure due to growths and shrinking tubes. He was given a 50% chance of survival of an operation. -- She sent him 2 Manna to be taken before and after surgery.  -- His doctors estimated he would be 2 weeks in the hospital.  -- He was sent home after one week as he was healing faster than expected. 
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Please Share

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Thursday, December 9, 2021,
We realize health information is very personal. However, if you will share how Manna has helped you, others may be helped too. Only first names will be disclosed. Bless and be blessed! 
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Jim Giving Thanks! ~ Thanks Jim!

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Sunday, March 29, 2020,
Just want to thank for what you do for us all. even the helpful hints in the letters you send with it. Xylitol for instance and have saved me twice now..let alone many other benefits.true affordable medicine!! how unreal in this world. with love and respect Jim

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Still Here!

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, March 23, 2020,
Thank You , I did use  Your product many years Ago And Did a search online and finally found your website again, So Happy that you are still Helping People!
Thanks Again
John R.

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Happy Camper! ~ It works!

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, February 29, 2020,
Nick E. <nicke@>


I will be ordering the manna sachet.  I've ordered it in the past and
taken it more than a dozen times and it's worked for everything. 
I very much appreciate your timely emails.

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Health Improvements

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Friday, June 12, 2015,
Over the last few years many people have used Manna Gold Sachet. There are many testimonies about it's benefits. Today, I would like to mention Manna's long term effects.

A number of people who began using Manna as a last ditch effort to save their life, have regained health from HIV, liver cancer, severe upper respiratory conditions and severe viral infections, to mention a few. They continue to live a better quality of life and are still with us.

Recently we have had a number of referrals f...
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Manna & Chemo

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, December 6, 2014,
About two years ago Andy got some Manna for his Mother In Law. She was going to take Chemo and wanted to take Manna to help support her immune system. Only recently Andy told me, that she had taken both Manna and Chemo and felt it was time for more. When I asked how she did, taking Manna before Chemo, he told me that what surprised her most, was that she did not loose her hair.

If any Manna users experience the same benefit, this would be good to know. Please share so we can pass this informa...
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Recovering Fast.

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Monday, November 19, 2012,
Thomas, Good Afternoon!!
I am interested in being an MMD with you, however I would need to now what is entailed in this process, rules, regs, etc..
I guess I should tell you that when I first started taking MannaSachet about a year ago I  ran out of money and just recently started again.  When first starting the first thing I noticed was that after a couple of months all my warts (I had hundreds) began to disappear and finally they had all died off and fell off my skin.  The planters war...
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Gall Bladder Cleanse.

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Saturday, October 13, 2012,
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:26 PM, E wrote:
Did the cleanse and tons of green pebbles came out. The cleanse really does work. I am feeling good and healthy once again Mr.Hobson me and my wife are going to a local shelter to barbeque for homeless people today. Every time I pass by it, it truly breaks my heart, I was talking to a homeless man named rob, he went bankrupt and his wife divorced him, he got on drugs and ruined his life. it got me thinking life is a real loop Things may go well ...

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OOPS! ~ One Missing! ~ Cash back or Sachet?

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, August 21, 2012,

Chip B.
3:59 PM (19 hours ago)

to me
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your quick reply.  If you could, just send me the sachet.  I have been using them for several years and really believe they help keep me in good health so I like to keep them on hand.  Thanks again and have a great evening and week,

Charles B.
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Long time user of Manna ~ Happy Camper!

Posted by Thomas Hobson on Tuesday, August 21, 2012,
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 3:46 PM
Subject: Update

Dr Shah and team

Hi its Robert Bonaccolta just updating everyone on my own health.
After 2 1/2 years+ now, since I took 8 satchets of Shacro ,  I'm very healthy,  not even ever had a cold, cough nor fever. I feel great and I wish people even knew how important my own use was as I became,  under no other powers but my own, my own lab monkey testing myself.
If you only knew how I felt worried about what this st...

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