The Antidote > Manna Sachet > Manna Gold Sachet

Anti Fungal ~ Anti Microbial ~ Antibiotic Alternative  

 Buy 3 or more Manna Gold Sachet -- Get 1 FREE    All prices listed include shipping! 

                                                                           Manna Immunity!

                                                                           Strengthen your immune system!

 I’m so grateful you are still going. I haven’t had the time to be able to get my normal regimen of sachets, but I’m back on track and I’m so grateful these exist.   --  Meghan   

 Hello Thomas, it worked miracles for my lungs and heart. For years I had serious health issues with my lungs and breathing while sleeping from all the years of smoking. All of that went away in just a few days.  I am also going to be ordering more this week. Thank you for this miracle product.  --- Carlos        

                  Manna will keep 9+ years in the freezer. Keep it handy for that emergency! You will be glad you did!                                                                           

To order click on the down arrow beside the $39.95.  This will open a selection of 1 to 28 Manna. Select the amount you want and then press the buy now button.  

Manna Gold Sachet

Aug 24, 2024, 8:08 AM 

I want to thank you for looking into my lost order and sending more out to me. I received it yesterday and was so relieved when I got hot home from work and found it had been delivered.  You truly care about your customers and I greatly appreciate it. I started talking it this morning for my sinus condition. It truly has been a life saver to me over the years. Thanks again. ,JS

Manna Gold is one of the most helpful all round health products available. 

If you knew what health issues my wife and overcame, over the past 20 years, with the help of Manna Gold, you would be amazed. So if you said, "Choose one health product and only one to use."  It would be Manna Gold. 

Add a good diet to Manna Gold and few probiotics and a bit of sunshine, a bit of exercise and you will feel a lot better. If not, then you have something a lot more serious brewing and may need some expert help. 

Add Clean water, Clean air, Clean food, Morning or Evening Sunshine, one good cup of organic coffee in the morning with butter,  plus Manna Gold once a month.  -- Give yourself a chance to live not just survive!      

                              For more testimonials click the testimonials links at the top of the page.

All health information on this site is for educational purposes only, so you can make informed health decisions. 


PS: During the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone in 2014, 7 people who worked in a pharmacy were exposed to the deadly Ebola virus. The only 2 that survived were the two nurses that had taken a Manna Gold Sachet.  Reported by Rev. Lionel Best

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              THE NEW APPLICATION          

On the 1st of December 2007 the company started a new product developed from The Antidote. 

The encapsulated sealed lint is only a vehicle that carries the  dried anti microbial, amino acid proteins within it.

The simple method of activating and releasing the dried anti microbial properties, is by way of immersing into boiling water, up to one third of a cupful, then allowing the water to cool, for 15 minutes, so that it may be taken orally and thereby releasing the anti microbial, peptide proteins, into the body, to kill off viruses and bacteria resident within your body.  


Manna Gold is a research product that is made available to those who want to experience its wonderful health benefits. 

When I say research, we only mean determining how well and where it is most effective.  We know it works to improve ones health in many wonderful ways.

However, we would like to know in what areas it is most effective. Also we are determining what other protocols may enhance the benefits of Manna Gold's 

abilities in assisting the body to heal faster, to be stronger and at ease, removing stress. 

Your testimonies help us increase our ability  to understand the far reaching benefits of Manna Gold that in turn will help others to have the faith to give Manna Gold a try.  

Any testimony you can provide as to the effectiveness of Manna Gold and what you were taking with it will be  help us to reach our goal.

We hope Manna Gold will soon become an integral part of many counties health care insurance systems and assurance plans.  

Should you wish to help us achieve this end, please send us a note through our contact form.  

Manna Gold is one of the leaves created for the healing of the nations.
